Friday, September 26, 2008

Procrastination or Joy. Choose.

Why do we procrastinate? Why do we put off what should be done now? Why do we sacrifice a clear conscience with procrastination? 
Procrastination, or time on credit is... SERIOUS! 
Why am I going on and on about procrastination? Because I procrastinate all the time. Take my school work for example.. I am way behind because of procrastination. Today I just did 1/7th of an entire History school year... in 10 hours. Do the Math, thats a school year of History in a week. I did this while keeping my grades above a 90% except on one test.. I got an 88%. Sure, I had an energy drink.. powdered.. the healthy kind that I never get... I rarely drink energy drinks... and now I know what speed reading feels like... but look at what I missed out on. If I would have done this along time ago, I'd be done with school right now. Yes, I realize you have to have a certain amount of hours in a school year, but I'm behind... so I can go as fast as i want right now with nothing to worry about. Believe me.. I have the hours. Did I sacrifice? yeah.. I didn't spend time messing around with pictures or photoshop... but let me tell you my friend, it was worth it. You have no idea how good I feel right now. I know that I have done everything that I could do today, and it is paying off. I'm so happy.. I want to sacrifice again tomorrow.. and Monday.. and the next day and the next... until I'm DONE with school. 
Why do we procrastinate in terms of spending time with God? Why do we put off time with God right now? Why do we sacrifice real joy for selfish procrastination? Procrastination is serious. 
Like getting lots of work done, and the joy it gives you when you know you did everything you were supposed to.. even greater is the joy you get spending time with your heavenly father. After spending quality time with God, and being right with Him.. I often ask myself.. "What have missed out on!". The Lord has blessed me today. He has given me the intense energy to get loads of school done. He has given me the joy of knowing I got my work done. He has given me the true joy in being right with Him and walking in His path for me. Did I sacrifice? From a worldly standpoint, you bet I did. I didn't get stuff done that I WANTED to get done. I didn't get ME time. I was totally pre-occupied the whole day. I'm not watching TV with my family right now.. I'm missing one of my favorite shows. Is it worth it? You better believe it! In light of eternity, it was no sacrifice. 
So, here's a challenge. If you want true joy.... live your life for God and He will bless you. Depressed? Give God the throne of your life. 


Matt said...

Wow, that was really good.

Anonymous said...

so funny story... I was in the middle of procrastinating while I reading that. lol, perhaps I should get to work...