Monday, September 15, 2008

Does it make sence?

There is a blessing or a curs (you pick) to having a blog like this. There are a few authors here who all have different points of view, we all see things differently, and all of us have different "posting moods". Obviously this gives the readers allot of verity. Wether or not you like that, is your problem.
I tend to stay more on the shallow, less interactive for the mind, less though provoking, more about a good laugh or "here's a simple useless tidbit" side of the fence. I'm not necessarily proud of this, so weather or not you enjoy this post, I hope it at least will get you thinking.

I have some brothers and sisters in the Lord that I look up to a great deal. Their life style is far more reserved for the things of God than most any of my friends. To put it plainly, they put most Christians to shame. As I observe these few people, I see a joy in their lives that isn't common even among Christians, and a testimony that pleases God in the good or bad times alike. The life they live is an inspiration to me on what it means to live for God. Just one problem. Even though I see the joy in their lives, I just cant seem to let go of things that I probably should, simply because these things give me "joy" or they make me feel happy. No matter how many times I tell myself that I would be even happier if I gave my life FULLY to God.. I just don't seem to get it. More like, I don't have the discipline to give up these things. Take TV for instance. There are some new shows that have been coming out that I really enjoy. There is no way I want to ditch TV and miss out on what happens next. I find myself saying "maybe after this season"... yeah no. Did I mention I'm a procrastinator?
So while I'm content (not really) to have shallow happiness from worldly pleasures, I'll continue to miss out on real joy. The joy that comes with a close relationship with God. I'm sure I'm not the only one out here that realizes this. Its about time that all of us wake up and get a grip. Want to experience true joy no matter what happens in life? Get to know God. "Glorify God always, in ALL ways", and He will give you true joy.
Make sure you post any thoughts or comments you might have. Leave a comment.

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