Sunday, September 14, 2008


I was in a car accident last Friday on my way to school. I hydroplaned into a car that was stalled on the side of the road. Because of the weather conditions (and perhaps the fact that I was driving too fast), the impact speed was around 70mph. Both cars were totaled. I walked away from that accident without a scratch. If there had been anyone in the other car, I seriously believe that they would have been in critical condition. I know that the thought came into my mind, why did this have to happen to me. But at church today, my pastor made an interesting comment to me. He said, "ask yourself why you're still alive." This wasn't an "accident" as we say. God had a plan in this. This situation has given me new appreciation for circumstances that I find myself in. God has a plan for everything, we just need to trust Him.


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