Sunday, September 14, 2008


Seven years ago our nation was attacked on our soil. It was a brutal display of unconventional warfare against military personnel and civilians alike. It was an act of war. Unfortunately it seems that a lot of people only remember this day one day a year.
As most of my readers probably know, I am planning on joining the military. A lot of people have asked me why, and there are a lot of answers I could give. A lot of people just wouldn't understand some of the reasons. People don't always understand convictions. I have always flirted with the idea of joining the military, and some of my closer friends who have spent a lot of time with me can attest to the fact that my plans have changed more than a few times concerning the branch, or the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). But the military has always been a plan. The events on September 11 sealed it for me. God willing, I WILL join. I want to know I am doing everything I can do to make sure that something like that never happens here again. My heart goes out to the families of the 9-11 victims, and the families of fallen and wounded soldiers who are sacrificing so much for this cause. People tell me that right now we are fighting the wrong war. That this war has nothing to do with 9-11. Well, last I checked, we are fighting the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR. And there are just as many terrorists in Iraq as there are in "Palestine", Iran, and Afghanistan. If the fight is in Iraq, so be it. If its in the Persian Gulf, so be it. If it is in Afghanistan, so be it. As long as we can keep it out of America. You can call me what ever you want to call me because of this conviction. I think I would call myself a plain old patriotic American.
I realize this post is not as light-hearted as some of my previous posts, but I hope I have clearly set down my convictions and planted my flag. May God protect our police and fire personnel and our soldiers, and may God bless America.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I was originally planning on posting this on the eleventh, but due to technical difficulties with my account, work, and a power was put off...
So here it is.