Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Great Insect War...Part II

Bête Noire
Another insect I have come to despise is the earwig. Not really because of anything they have done...I very simply loath their existence. They are evil little beasts. If you know French, you have hopefully figured out the sub-title by now. If not, don't feel bad, I don't know French either. I found my sub-title in a thesaurus and felt that it nicely described my feelings for the earwig community. Bête Noire: Black Beast, or evil beast.
We recently had a large (4'x8') sign in our yard advertising an event. The event since past, it was my duty to remove the large sign. It was made by screwing a sheet of plywood to two acicular 2x4s. Well, I successfully removed the sign from its anchorage, and carried it to our parking lot. When I dropped the sign against the building, a score or more of these little beastly critters emerged. So, I threw the sign down on the ground, and witnessed to my complete dismay, hundreds of earwigs pour from between the sign and the stakes. I had discovered the Northern and Southern Stake Clans. As fast as I could I snatched up the first noxious substance I could find, and proceeded to pour it upon the emerging army of earwigs. I then whipped up a nice concentrated concoction of Water, Malathion, Orthex, Petroleum distillates, and some other ingredients. I then proceeded to marinade the earwigs as well as the surrounding premises. By this time the side of the building and the ground thereabouts was crawling with these loathsome insects. There were hundreds! Everywhere! Needless to say, they're all dead.
You may, at this very moment, be accusing me of an un-provoked hostility towards these inferior creatures...well....I'm gonna have to agree with you. And thus ends my account of how I (for the time being) atomized the great earwig menace.

1 comment:

Jim said...

On a side note, I have since discovered the Western Wall Clan, and am currently waging war on them. Apparently they don't like the lawn mower... *mischievous grin*