Sunday, July 27, 2008

Practicality and apple juice

Lots of things are different from back 200 years ago that are actually very convenient and practical. We don't have to sit behind a horse that just might happen to stink some times when going some place, If we want to send dad a happy birthday card, it only takes a couple days instead of weeks or months (or for you cheep shots out there who send virtual cards over the internet it only takes seconds). Some genius came up with the indoor toilet so you don't have to run out to the out house, forget sweeping and stirring up dust... the vacuum cleaner will get that for you. Are you a little warm? turn up the air conditioner. (that is.. if you have one. Maybe the gas heater would have been a better example).
Some things are not convenient, though the list is small, there are things that were just better off back then. One thing comes to mind in particular that probably many people don't REALLY think about, though you might hear the occasional complaining. Now, when I say that this thing in particular isn't convenient, I mean it in a different way than one might imagine. Though it IS just as convenient as 200 years ago or maybe even more convenient, its a ridiculous no brainer.
So what is this no brainer convenient thing I'm talking about?

Juice. Milk. Honey. Food.

I live right next door to a huge apple orchard, and yet the apple juice that I drink comes from thousands of miles away. The Honey I eat (unless I buy it from someone who has bees) comes from thousands of miles away. Most of the food I eat is from THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY. The milk I drink however is from within a ten mile radius (or something close to that). Thats because I get my milk from Stewarts gas station. They get their milk from local farmers and it TASTS UTTERLY AMAZING! no pun intended. So I get my milk the sensible way... I would venture to guess that most people don't however.
Remember the good old days when people wanted apple juice.. they went outside and picked some apples, squeezed the juices out, and walla, fresh apple juice right from out back? (or maybe from the store.. who just happened to buy them from your neighbors). You probly don't remember that, and if you do... wow.
Convenient in the area of supply and demand and such. Inconvenient (and stupid) in all other areas. Its true, New York State alone produces enough apples to supply the whole United States with apples, but most companies go to Argentina, China, Chile, or perish the thought.. Mexico.

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