Sunday, August 23, 2009

Getting back in the groove


I've been swamped with computers to fix, not that I'm complaining. I really enjoy fixing them. Within 10 days, I've done everything from Win XP (pro, home, and media addition), Win Vista (home), Mac OSX (wasn't the Macs fault. It was the printer), Linux (Gnome). Two of them were Acres, one was a unibody that I don't even remember the brand, two Dells, Apple, and two home made deals. Printers, power cords, faulty wifi, virus infestations, missing drivers, web-cams, Burners... all kinds of problems. One thing that has stuck out the most out of all of them, was.. you guessed it. Windows Vista. It almost seems like Vista thinks you don't ever know what your doing, or it always needs your permission to do something even though you just told it to do it.

MS vista message

I will give it one thing. It looks pretty. I wish Windows 7 would have kept the same look.

Speaking of computers, I also installed Linux Mint. Its pretty spiffy. Gotta be one of my favorites out of the box now.


Tomorrow I'll hopefully go to the Washington County Fair. Its the first day tomorrow and I need to hit the Demolition Derby. I'll probly have some good posts to come complete with pictures.

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