Monday, August 25, 2008

The Night My Day Was Made...

So I was at the Washington County Fair yesterday. ( Its like the biggest in New York State) At first things were going a little slow. My smaller siblings were trying to decide what ride they wanted to go on next, etc. But me and my co-blogger/brother did eventually taste freedom. After a lunch of hotdogs (the fair kind), we took off and checked out some booths. I found this one leather booth, and discovered all kinds of cool hand-made leather doodads that I liked, but couldn't afford...anyways, we eventually ended up at the Truck Pull. It was pretty amazing. First we watched the stock semi-trucks, then the modified semi-trucks. Those were pretty flippin' sweet! Then they had the pickup pull. That was by far the best part of the show. My personal favorite was a 1955 GMC Truck. That thing was loud! It was owned by the guys who won the pickup pull, but they won with a different truck. A heavily modified Chevy Silverado. A bright neon yellow and orange beast dubbed 'Bumble Rumble'. I thought the day couldn't possibly get any better. The smell of exhaust, and the black clouds of it, the deafening ROAR of V8s working as hard as they can (you know, the kind of roar you can feel right through you), and the fresh squeezed lemonade was the best I have ever tasted! Can it get any better? I was about to discover that indeed it could! As we were leaving the fair, I caught out of the corner of my eye something absolutely breathtaking. I had to look twice, because I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. There it was, the car that I have been following since its first appearance in the Detroit Auto Show (I believe it was the Detroit Show...) back in 2006. The 2008 Dodge Challenger. All 425 horses! The Hemi 6.1 in all its glory. And it couldn't look better in any other car! So, ladies and gentlemen, last night I got to get under the hood of that beast. Last night I inhaled the smell of new car. Last night I got to touch my dream car! And who knows...some day I might own one. Untill then, my desktop wallpapers will have to do.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shoe shopping

We went shoe shopping today. teehee.
The reason we were shoe shopping was because my shoes were in nasty shape. I have needed new shoes for months, and now that I finally got a job working at the farm... I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY!!! So. I was going to get some two weeks ago, but that didn't happen... finally today we had the chance. This was the biggest outlet mall I have ever been to in my life! It was like a parking lot surrounded by... mall. As soon as I opened the car door, I could hear the sound of music coming from a BOSE outdoor speaker system. The song playing... "Listen to your heart". nice work song picker outer people. I always thought that would be a good song to shoe shop to.
Just a little heads up disclaimer thing. Just because I went shoe shopping doesn't mean I'm going to go to the next ladies night out or watch High school musical or something. I despise shopping. I guess its ok when your with the right people, but for the most part.. blaaa. *makes other disgusting sound effects*
Anyways, I did manage to finally find some running shoes that I like in the Nike store. Jim also got some spur of the moment shoes. they are ridiculously cute.
...... I just said that to be silly... by the way. They aren't cute. They're kinda cool.. but not cute. I'm going to stop now.
I am currently in the back seat of the car in Chicago using my amazing macbook. And suddenly we just went from 75 mph to 3mph... dude. Thats the pits...

At that note.. bye

HERE I posted that we will continue to feed our readers with.... posts. 19 days later there are only two posts... thanks to our new writer Matt. There are a couple of reasons why we didn't in fact post every day. Wifi of happiness was not present at all of our stops along the way. This was a partial shock to me... for some reason I thought that everyone except me had high speed internet. This country needs to get on the ball with technology! I'm talking super satellites that beam sweet highspeed internet to EVERY AREA in the United States for FREE!!!

The other reason for not posting on the blog is the fact that we have been busy having fun. Period. Sorry. Thats bad. 

But there is good news! Jim and I have had the opportunity to talk with allot of people and get brand spanking new amazing ideas for posts. Stay tuned. 

Friday, August 15, 2008

College Bound Infant

This week I have made some major adjustments in my life. These adjustments were a necessity because I started a new job, and I started going to school again after sitting out for a semester. Both these new environments are, shall I say, hostile to a Christian lifestyle. I’m not sure hostile is the right word, but they definitely are not places that encourage a Christian lifestyle. The job I’m working is a warehouse, cursing is the norm. I won’t go into everything but, I can safely say, that it’s not the cleanest place…and I’m not talking about dirty floors. The school I’m now attending is a secular school. A huge difference from the small Christian college and highschool I attended previously. The first thing I noticed was the smoking, now, I had expected there to be smoking, but I was blown away by how many people were just sitting around outside destroying their lungs. Another thing that I noticed in both my biology and chemistry class, was evolution. I knew that that evolution was going to be presented as fact going into this school, but I didn’t know how much. Now, all of you reading this that are/have attended a secular institute, you’re probably thinking, who is this guy, people smoking and evolution, what’s the big deal. Well, these are the things that got me thinking. And it was through this thinking that I came up with this analogy.

Ok, think of a baby, the baby has a toy. What happens when you try to take the toy away? The baby holds on to it, he wont let it go, he screams an fights to keep it. Now what happens when you leave the toy alone? Sure the baby might play with it for a while, maybe even hours, but eventually, the baby will lose interest. This is like a Christian. In an all Christian environment, where no one is trying to “take away” the Christian’s faith (ideals, beliefs, etc.) the Christian tends to loose interest. But put that person in a place where that faith is challenged, you have a whole new person. That person will defend his faith to the end (granted that it is a genuine faith). In writing this, I began to think of the various times the church has been persecuted over the years. I believe that what I just mentioned is one of the two main reasons why the church has persisted over the years. The other being that with persecution, any nominal Christians won’t stick around. Another thing to consider with this analogy is the level of the Christian. The Bible talks about the “babies” who can’t handle the heavy theology. This isn’t talking about real babies (although they can’t…for obvious reasons…) it’s talking about new/undeveloped Christians. I think that the undeveloped Christians are the ones who are more likely to “loose interest in the toy” than those who are mature in their faith.

I’m going to leave everyone with this last tidbit. If you are like me, you grew up in a Christian home, went to a Christian school, you never had any non-Christian friends, then get out there. Don’t stay in your little shell. Get involved in something outside of your Christian circle. I’m not telling you to get involved in a sinful activity. I’m suggesting that you get involved with sinful people. But what ever you do! Balance the time you spend in that place. With the time you spend in that place/with that person, spend time in church, spend time with Christian people, and most of all, spend time with God and in His Word. And if you find yourself being overly influenced by the secular people, get out of that situation.



I'm new on here, so, give me a little time to figure out what I'm going to write on here. Let me go ahead and tell you that my posts are going to be diverse. After reading some of my posts you're probably going to wonder what on earth I wrote that for...and if you ask me...I doubt I'll be able to tell you...
