Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Prelude...

I am going to be starting a study here shortly, on the Charismatic movement. It is not my intention to rip to shreds the beliefs of others; only to point out what I believe and why. Recently I have had several people ask me questions what I believe concerning the Charismatic movement, and honestly I have not been able to answer some of them. Hopefully this will be a learning experience for my readers, as I know it will be for me.


Matt said...

I look forward to it

Jim said...

Well, its coming along a little slower than I had hoped it would. But I hope it will be well worth the wait. I am still outlining everything. This particular study has become somewhat personal for me in several ways. Through careful consideration, I have decided to broaden the study a little. Rather than focus on one belief in the church, I have decided to focus on the church both individually and as a whole. I believe that it all comes down to the basics, so that is what I will concentrate on. I apologize for taking so long on this, but I am hitting this head on, as thoroughly as I can. Thanks,